Saturday, January 21, 2012

What's that you say?

I have the memory of.... well I guess I don't know exactly, but I would say somewhere between a pregnant woman and a fish. (NO, I'm not pregnant!)

Let's just start this over. I have a horrible memory. Period. My close friends and family know this about me and hopefully they don't get too annoyed with me for it. As I ascend to the latter part of my 20's I'm finally realizing it's not a just a phase that I struggle to remember things and am gracefully coming to terms with it. I'm also less apologetic of it because I really do try so hard to not forget things by making lists, setting reminders, writing notes... constant notes, and taking photos. Well the photo part is what brings me to this sweet little post that you are graced.

I take a lot of photos. A LOT. Not like a professional photographer a lot, but a "I need to document every living second so I don't forget" a lot. I'm not going to try to compete that I take more or less than anyone, (3,000 since August '11) ha!, but my dear Pops (that's my hubby, not my dad- get it straight) reminds me oh so often how many photos I take and that to him it's not normal that I rarely do anything with said photos, but download them to the computer every few months. Well, I also do not care to justify any of my photos or the way I do or do not use them. They are for me. I rarely ask people to pose for photos or even to "SMILE!" because like I said, I am, more often than not, just clicking that little button to capture and remember the moment as it is.
This is an all time fav, photo and is so dear to my heart.
There are many things I will ALWAYS remember from this one photo:
1) At this moment I was showing my mom how cool iPhones are and the Instagram app and she was paying attention.
(my mom is a very excited person and her mind jumps from one thing to another very quickly) :)

2) My parents came over to our new pad in SLC to celebrate my BDAY
3) We were still trying to figure out seating when company comes over as seen by the bistro chair from our patio.
4) Hummer has loved my dad from the moment they met and loves to cuddle up next to him whenever they are relaxing together.
5) The way my dad sits with his arms folded in thought while he watches TV or is listening to someone talk.

I am not a photographer nor do I or have I ever termed myself as that. Most of my photos are taken with my iPhone because let's face it, iPhones and the camera apps you can download on them are bitchen and produce rad photos!

Well, I have been thinking that I would like to display my photos more. Not for anyone, but for myself and my memories. If you follow Pop's and I's blog you will have read that I am going to start blogging more to also remember the doings of the life I/WE live. Well photos will very much be a part of this. There may be a random photo plugged into an even more random blog just because it is, there may be a blog about photos only, there my be a blog with ONLY photos. I may or may not explain the photo or the blog post. Remember this is for me people! Well a little for you too or I wouldn't be putting this on the blogispher, but you get my point.


JessWilson said...

I love this picture!! I think that it is great that you're going to post more pictures that you take. Can't wait to see more! ;)

considertessa said...

I love that a. you are blogging again and that b. you take so many pictures. I am going to start blogging again too. It is going to happen. Thanks for the inspiration.