Sunday, August 23, 2009

And The Plants Said, "Ahhhh..."

Oh how I love the Rain! I woke up knowing there would be a chance of rain today and sitting browsing inspiring blogs at K's just now I realized there was that sweet pitter of rain falling outside! That means today is going to be a good day. ;)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I love these two

At Salem Days watching Mommy run the Salem 5k Fun Run. Not sure if the little one was fully awake yet!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Deadly Dylan With a Hose... But SOOO Cute (for Jess)

He's so cute, right?!

I stinkin' love this kid!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I Have the Best Crazy Nephews!

My mom was watching my sis' boys one day and was being her usual self making silly faces at Adam. Well after a minute he made silly faces right back at her! And if you know Adam, you know he'll do anything to get you to laugh at him so as soon as he realized we were laughing at his silly faces he just kept doing it!

Sorry it's so shaky. I was just laughing to darn hard to keep the camera still!
He starts making his faces around the 20 second mark in the video ;)

This video was taken in December 08 so he was 9 months old.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Testing the text to blog thing...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sometimes I Wake up and I'm not in My Bed...

My sleeping patterns have been a little off the past month or so. Usually when I don't get enough sleep I do strange things...

About a month ago Miss Millie, the dog, woke up and needed to go to the bathroom. I remember getting out of bed and opening up the back door for her to go out, after that I'm not quite sure what happened. All I know is that I woke up the next morning in my roommate's bed. She wasn't home that night thank heavens! ...imagine if she was... weird.
Poor Ash though. (other roommate) She woke up in the middle of the night to get some allergy medicine, saw my bedroom door open, went to check on me and Millie and we were gone! She freaked out looking all over for us. I wouldn't be surprised if she walked the streets looking for us... she's like that. After searching everywhere she finally got the crazy idea to open up Lacy's door and found me and Miss Millie sleeping restfully! :) At least I shut the door???

Oh but just wait! The sleeping tales of what I've put people through get better!

A couple days later, after going to a long movie (that I fell asleep in! I never fall asleep at the theatres!) with my other roomie Lacy, we came home and I was fussy. Too tired to change, but too tired to do anything useful. Millie was playing with her toy under the coffee table so I layed down next to it to play with her. Next thing you know Lacy walks into the room to see the coffee table had swallowd me and I lay half under the coffe table half out. I woke up next to a dog toy and a pair of shoes and was convinced my roommated were playing some cruel joke on me in the middle of the night...

The next week:
Waking up in the middle of the night to let Millie out again, Ash is in the kitchen getting a drink (embarrassed that she is in her sleeping long johns), I walk by and say this,
mumble mumble mumble... "MaRIO cart PLAYathon..."
(capital letter indicate emphasis on that part of word and my influx in pronunciation)
Ash then watches me go to the back door, open it for millie to go out, then go into the bathroom.
I wake up only remembering opening the back door... not even waking up and getting out of my bed.

Lacy, Alex, and I are watching TV late one night. I go into my room to fiddly with my new phone while laying on my bed. Next thing they know I'm just jabbering away! Not really making any sense or pronouncing words enough for them to know what my dreams are making me talk about, but loud enough they can hear me over the surround sound of the movie. Later they are in a different room in the house and Alex hears me again. He assumes I MUST be on the phone or something to be talking as much as I am.. NOPE! I'm fast asleep telling all the night creatures that i'm sure live in my room the wonders of my extravigant dreams without even knowing it!

I go to Seattle last week for a nice weekend with Ash and her family. She's a light sleeper and somehow thinks it's a good idea for us to sleep in the same room... sure enough I keep her up with my ramblings of nothingness, just senseless sounds from my mind.

I get to see my boy toy late one evening this past week. We are watching TV with his hand outstretched across my stomach and me resting my hand in his. (awww, how cute!) After a series of violent twitching one of them woke me up and, without being able to control it, my body twitches again. I mumble something about how crazy that was that "I totally was awake and knew I was twitching and couldn't control it!" K laughs at his crazy girlfriend and I quickly fall back asleep. A couple minutes later the mumbles start escaping my lips!
mumble mumble, "I thought you had shampoo in your hand!"
K laughs at me and I ask him, "What?"
"You just said 'I thought you had shampoo in your hand.'" He explains
"Well I did think you had shampoo in your hand!" I tell him as if it's supposed to make sense of the entire situation.
I only remember the part about the twitching. :T

Thursday, April 9, 2009

And it's only 9am

It's already been an interesting morning... as I stood in the kitchen trying to make breakfast I thought about, as I do about 14 times a day, how I really need to just sit down and bust out all these blog posts I've been storing in my head! And as I thought about all this I tried to remember them all... but they weren't coming to me! Eek! I thought if I could just start thinking about other things to blog they would finally come to me... nothing. All I could think about was silly titles based on the breakfast I was making. Here are a few:

"2 apples minus the peels"

"Staring at the toaster with butter knife in hand forgetting to put bread in it"

"My socks don't match"

"Oh boy I can't wait to go to Seattle again next week!

"I sure am glad I wore something with a hood"

I hate when I run out of zip lock bags!"

"I cut an apple with a butcher knife today"

Yes all this is really how making my breakfast went for me today. I love crazy busy work weeks and what they do to my mind!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Two for the Road...

Bad News: Halloween isn't for another 7 months!

Good News: There have been two Friday the 13th's within the last two months :)
That helps hold a girl over.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Love You Scottie

Tonight I love the dog that became a part of our family 16 years ago and, even though he is now gone, will stay in my heart forever.
I love you Scottie.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Almost Died Yesterday

Imagine being in a tree... losing your grip... and falling... backwards. Good thing I knew there was a giant limb there so I didn't die. Bad thing that there was another giant limb by my leg that tried to amputate me and leave me legless from the knee down!

For those of you who don't have the time or desire (or are just too lazy) to read all the details of how I almost died... click here. For those of you that do, I've included my full account of the event below. :)

Let me start from the beginning:

Yesterday Lacy, Ashley and I were in our backyard talking about all the great things we were going to do with the yard to make it the coolest summer BBQ hang out place every! Right before we headed inside Ashley spied with her little eye Millie's toy rope up in the tree... high up in the tree! This is one of Millie's favorite toys ever so naturally I had to go get it! You have to understand that by no means did I think I would be risking my life in doing so. It's such a knotty tree (oh you naughty tree... no, not like that) that it's quite easy to climb. So I thought, "Piece of Cake!"
I know it doesn't look that high cause you can't see the ground but I'm higher than the fence and only half way up to where i was going!

Oh, why was the rope up in the tree in the first place? Well that's because Miss Millie climbs trees. Yep, that's what i said. If she can and there's a reason like birds, cats, or toys up there she'll climb right on up there and hang out. Have I told you about how she chews gum and licks the air? No? Well that's another story entirely. Back to me.

As I'm climbing up this tree Millie is either worried about me being up there, or wondering why I'm up where she should be. Either way she's curious enough that she feels the need to come up there with me!
See that jagged fence by the tree? Well images of Millie falling on the fence start running through my head so naturally I must make room for her to safely climb up and climb back down. As I'm adjusting myself up there my one foot that all my weight is on slips, I loose all balance and fall backward!

Well from the view of my two roomies that are down safely on the ground, Lacy who is taking pictures of this event and Ashley who is waiting for me to fall at any moment, they can't see that giant limb to the left so they think I am falling backward to my death! (read caption below pic) Or at least to the breaking of bones and possible paralysis!

See the space where there's blue sky to the left of me. That's where I was standing when I slipped so you can see how it would look like I was falling to my death!

And for me I knew that giant branch was there so instead of making my situation worse by frantically trying to grab for any branch I can find I figure my butt is pretty cushioned so I'll just take the bruise and fall back to a sitting position. To me it felt silly and like it probably looked dumb me just falling back to sit on my bumb *plunk* without using my hands so I start laughing and look at L and A.

The looks on their face is sheer terror with Lacy's eye bug eye popped out and Ashleys hands out as though she thinks she might be able to catch me, here eyes buggy too, and her mouth wide open. This all happens in a matter of 5 seconds or so. They both ask if I'm ok and I realize my leg is stinging, look down, and see a 6 inch cut. Looks like just a scrape. "I'm fine, but my butt is going to have a huge bruise and look, I got cut!" Ashley goes white. Ok ash, I'll put my pants down so you can't see the little cut.

I successfully get the rope down and Millie is happy as can be! Lets look at that cut and get a picture:
It's hard to see how much it's started bleeding with all those shadows

Oh I guess it's a little deeper than I though... it's bleeding. Ash, stop looking at it, you're going to pass out!

We got our laughter/terror out, took all our pictures, I put my pant leg down again so Ash would stop looking at it, Lacy went inside as I climbed down the tree. Ashley was still a little freaked out and convinced that I was going to die climbing out of the tree too so she stayed to watch. Again the tree had tons of knots and that fence is so close it was really easy climbing down just like climbing up.... but of course before I was about to make my final leap to the ground, with my one hand on the fence for balance, my foot slipped again and I fell out of the tree! With my hand being on the fence though I just skidded in the mud as I did a full 180, but stayed on my feet for the dismount. :) Yeah, I even put my arms up like in gymnastics after they dismount. Ashley's gasp must have been so loud because Lacy came running out of the house probably expecting to find my dead corps on the ground!

After all the excitement we went inside to clean up the wound. I pull my pant leg up once again to reveal the full extent of my wounds:

There is something wrong with Ash because she knows this stuff doesn't sit well with her yet she's so curious that she has to look! And you can litterally watch the blood drain from her face and her whole body goes white. Then after a few seconds of looking away you can see the color slowly return to her face. Crazy Ash

Lacy was kind enough to pour alcohol or peroxide on my wound to kill anything that might cause infection and get me everything needed to dress my wound:

My Nurses Station

I'm no pro, but I think I did a pretty good bandaging job! Kendall keeps laughing at it though. :T

Next time I climb a tree I'll make sure I'm not wearing slippers. Oh I didn't mention I was wearing slippers... uh yeah....

Friday, February 20, 2009

Silly Smart Car

I have a slight obsession with Smart Car sightings and both Heidi and K can attest to my uncontrollable giggling each and every time I see one. Really I can't control it. I usually laugh even seeing pictures of them. SOooo you can imagine my burst out when my dear friend Heidi text me this picture:
Silly Smart Car... It thinks it's a bike!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Iowa is just cold, but filled with cute kids and their all from my brother's fam!

Despite the bitter weather we're having a blast with the nephews we rarely get to play with... and keep from going to bed while thier parents slowly go insane! I was the rowdy one tonight keeping them from a peaceful scripture study. I'm not sorry. ;)

I'll be posting some pictures tonight on K and I's blog of our adventures so far. (You'll notice they're almost all inside!)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hmmm... What's wrong with this picture?

It was one of those things times where you walk past something, realize something was off about what you just saw, stop, and back up to stare at it for a couple minutes before chuckling and taking a picture with your phone. Happy Friday Night!

P.S. No K, I did NOT buy and eat them! :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm not sure what you're talking about, but that sounds funny and like something I might blog about!

Is what I told my dad when he text me at 8am yesterday and told me it was
"National Wolfman Jack Imitator Day!"
Robert Weston Smith 1938-1995

Who the heck is Wolfman Jack? Robert Weston Smith to be exact!

Robert "was a gravelly-voiced, American disc jockey who became world famous in the 1960s and 1970s under the stage name of Wolfman Jack." (God bless Wikipedia!) :D

Dad, knowing this doesn't necessarily make you old, but I hope you realize this does means that next time I see you I'll be asking you for your best imitation!