Scottie is a 14-15 year old Lab/Retriever Mix so he's incredibly loyal, protective, and loving. He is my brother's dog technically, but as my bro has moved, Scottie has stayed at my parents. Wondering where the name came from? You guessed it, Scottie Pippen! My sis was obsessed with Scottie Pippen at the time and somehow she got to chose the name and that was that.
He is the most loving dog ever! Since he was a pup he has always wanted to be cuddled up to others. You go outside to pet him and he has to lean against your leg or press his face against your hand.

See the dried up dirt on his wet nose? Typical of Scottie. He's always burying bones, digging them up, or just plain digging in the dirt! We used to have holes all over his area from him digging. :)
He loves everyone especially children. He had to learn his own strength when playing with children and never quite mastered it, but he gets that they're little and he needs to be softer with them. He's so smart and is incredibly protective!
Living in a small town it's great to sleep outside on a warm night under the bright stars. Every time I did he would either lay down pressed against me or just sit right beside me and almost never sleep the entire night keeping watch out for me.

Another view typical of Scottie:

He ALWAYS has a ball to play with if not 3, 4, 5, or 6 of them. He'll protect each and every one of them and if you try to take them he'll stuff 3 in his mouth and still try to pick up the 4th before you get to them! He's getting quite old so his sight and hearing isn't all there, but he still is always ready to play with a good tennis ball that he has ripped the covering off of! Catch was always one of his favorite games and I don't mean that you'd lightly throw the ball in his direction for him to catch... I'm talking all star fast pitch straight to the kisser and he'd catch it with a "slap" to the tongue every time. You could throw him a ball every 5 seconds and he'd be able to catch it, drop it, and get in his "I'm ready" stance for the next one before it even left your hand!

Getting a good rub down
Did I mention Scottie really is the most loving dog in the whole world?!?! Nothing makes him happier than for you to scratch his belly, behind his ears, and on his shoulders. When ever you reach to pet anywhere below his head he wraps his paw around your arm as if to say, "Please just stay here with me!"

I love this dog and maybe forgot just how much I love him so it was great for me to get to spend time with him today. It breaks my heart to know that his time could come soon, but he's still a fighter and fairly healthy. And although he's slow to get up and maybe grabs a zucchini from the garden when you tell him to go get the ball because he can't see so well, he's just as loving and child hearted as he always has been. I love you Scottie!

Our three girls have a crush on Scottie! Getting to pet all the dogs is the only thing I miss about my old job. At least I don't see the abused pooches anymore. It's sad to know they're still there, though.
Scottie kinda looks like a person. Especially the fourth picture down. He's smiling and i can't help from smiling.
Cute baby
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