This does not mean the I don't miss being with family and friends (namely K), but I love my alone time so getting to travel alone fills me with great pleasure.
I always try to find new things where ever I go. I don't like to just stick to a comfort zone of my printed out Mapquest maps that go from destination A to destination B. I found a few new places on this last trip, but right before coming home, I was quite a bit early for my plane and very hungry. There were a few places in the airport to choose from, but for some reason "David's Pizza" called my name.
Maybe it was the fact that it had a picture of the sculpted David behind it. I was sold when I saw they had Pesto, Feta, Basil, and Tomato pizza. I ordered it to go, got my standard Iced venti soy Chai from Starbucks (an airport staple) and went to the nearest window seat by my gate to watch airplanes on the tarmac and eat in silent joy.
What a great ending to another romantic trip... even if it was just for work.
Oh P.S. I'm still sick.
Don't die. Stop being sick. STOP!! Got it?! Your picture text message of that pizza and iced chai made me instantly get up from my nap and get a mini sized pizza from the closest pizzaria, and an iced mocha. Stop influencing me! Stop being sick! And stop and i mean STOP being out of town. got it?!
I'm back... i'm slowly getting better... and pizza/good beverages in moderation are good for you. Got it? :)
Why are you my second wife? I swear you and I were separated at birth, cause I absolutely LOVE traveling alone. It is sooooo fun. The only thing that comes close (without flying) is to take your camera and headphones and put on some slow urban music and hit the streets taking shots of the weirdest stuff totally oblivious to people around you.
Anyway, you're awesome and crazy how you are my second wife.
I guess it's appropriate taking into account that I've practically lived in you and Brit's house off and on for the last 3 or 4 years. :) It's funny you would mention the picture thing... I do that to while traveling! Crazy
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