Today we reunited and man oh man those innocent looking golden O's are tearing me up inside worse than before! To save Pop's nose and to save my tummy from the goblins that seem to be playing rugby in there I'm taking an indefinite break. You served me well for a while, but
DUDE - did you ever have the Fiber One granola bars mom bought? While home, I tried one. They are DELICIOUS, so I had a second one. 3 hours later, I was on the verge of death with my GI tract being sliced from the inside out. And the gas was awful. It was HORRIBLE. So much so, that while in Costco recently, the lady behind me put a big box of Fiber One bars on the conveyor belt and I felt the need to warn her about what was to come. They should put a warning on the box.
Oh I have done my time with the Fiber One bars! I used to have them all the time and couldn't figure out why i was getting so sick! Then we realized at work, when another girl had one and got sick to that they were the culprit! Too bad I had just bought a box at costco. I took them to K's house and every so often when we'd run out of food we'd eat them. The problem is exactly as you said, they are SOOOO good so you want more and more. After 3 bars and an hour or so K and I were begging each other to rip out our insides to make the pain stop!
Lol, Dylan laughed when he saw the picture. He thought it was pretty funny!
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