For those of you who don't have the time or desire (or are just too lazy) to read all the details of how I almost died... click here. For those of you that do, I've included my full account of the event below. :)
Let me start from the beginning:
Yesterday Lacy, Ashley and I were in our backyard talking about all the great things we were going to do with the yard to make it the coolest summer BBQ hang out place every! Right before we headed inside Ashley spied with her little eye Millie's toy rope up in the tree... high up in the tree! This is one of Millie's favorite toys ever so naturally I had to go get it! You have to understand that by no means did I think I would be risking my life in doing so. It's such a knotty tree (oh you naughty tree... no, not like that) that it's quite easy to climb. So I thought, "Piece of Cake!"
Oh, why was the rope up in the tree in the first place? Well that's because Miss Millie climbs trees. Yep, that's what i said. If she can and there's a reason like birds, cats, or toys up there she'll climb right on up there and hang out. Have I told you about how she chews gum and licks the air? No? Well that's another story entirely. Back to me.
As I'm climbing up this tree Millie is either worried about me being up there, or wondering why I'm up where she should be. Either way she's curious enough that she feels the need to come up there with me!
Well from the view of my two roomies that are down safely on the ground, Lacy who is taking pictures of this event and Ashley who is waiting for me to fall at any moment, they can't see that giant limb to the left so they think I am falling backward to my death! (read caption below pic) Or at least to the breaking of bones and possible paralysis!
The looks on their face is sheer terror with Lacy's eye bug eye popped out and Ashleys hands out as though she thinks she might be able to catch me, here eyes buggy too, and her mouth wide open. This all happens in a matter of 5 seconds or so. They both ask if I'm ok and I realize my leg is stinging, look down, and see a 6 inch cut. Looks like just a scrape. "I'm fine, but my butt is going to have a huge bruise and look, I got cut!" Ashley goes white. Ok ash, I'll put my pants down so you can't see the little cut.
I successfully get the rope down and Millie is happy as can be! Lets look at that cut and get a picture:
Oh I guess it's a little deeper than I though... it's bleeding. Ash, stop looking at it, you're going to pass out!
We got our laughter/terror out, took all our pictures, I put my pant leg down again so Ash would stop looking at it, Lacy went inside as I climbed down the tree. Ashley was still a little freaked out and convinced that I was going to die climbing out of the tree too so she stayed to watch. Again the tree had tons of knots and that fence is so close it was really easy climbing down just like climbing up.... but of course before I was about to make my final leap to the ground, with my one hand on the fence for balance, my foot slipped again and I fell out of the tree! With my hand being on the fence though I just skidded in the mud as I did a full 180, but stayed on my feet for the dismount. :) Yeah, I even put my arms up like in gymnastics after they dismount. Ashley's gasp must have been so loud because Lacy came running out of the house probably expecting to find my dead corps on the ground!
After all the excitement we went inside to clean up the wound. I pull my pant leg up once again to reveal the full extent of my wounds:
Lacy was kind enough to pour alcohol or peroxide on my wound to kill anything that might cause infection and get me everything needed to dress my wound:
Yeah thought i was better your entry and almost fell out of my chair. Batman should be better with blood and bruises. Especially considering how many bad guys arms i break.
Glad that you are alive and well! No more climbing that tree!
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